Urban Gardening and Sustainability


To transform an under utilised urban space (temporarily or long-term), into an exciting food forest/physic garden space that promotes connection-forming between people, medicinal and community focused uses for inner city land, and inspires people with a new vision of what urban living can be.

We believe that Auckland, as one of the World’s most liveable cities, should develop areas of interest within the city, to attract visitors through uniqueness, and also engage with communities for longevity and with a view to building sustainable city ventures.

In 2013-14 in Auckland, We engaged with the community through meetings, work-shopping, and directly involving them in aspects of the build and ongoing legacy of the gardens we built in K Rd (Cut Collective) and Ponsonby (The Kitchen) . The possibility of establishing a social enterprise for the management of the garden has also been raised. We also hosted UK Guerrilla Gardening founder Richard Reynolds.

Edible forest gardening is the art and science of putting plants together in patterns that forge mutually beneficial relationships, creating a garden ecosystem that is more than the sum of its parts. You can grow fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, other useful plants, and animals in a way that mimics natural ecosystems. You can create a beautiful, diverse, high-yield garden.

As Masanobu Fukuoka once said, "The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings."


Key aspects of the vision:

  • Connections: A collaborative approach to design and creation; spaces and events that encourage interaction

  • Interactive: Offering opportunities for active participation

  • Legacy: Leaving both physical and social contributions to the central city environment

  • Learning: Learning by doing; workshops and talks

  • Accessible: Incorporating touch-points for a variety of people; demonstrating things people can replicate elsewhere

  • Sustainable: Organic growing techniques, smart water use, composting, local food economies, etc

  • Unique: Something Auckland has never seen before

  • Sharing: Creating opportunities for sharing knowledge, ideas and resources